
New Year's Resolutions 2012

I can say that in years past, with exception to the last year, I always made the popular mishap of making yearly goals that I never seemed to truly follow through on. Haven't we all? There'd always be a reason or I would just keep putting it off. After all, I did have a whole year to accomplish what I had set out to do.

Last year, I set actual written goals that I could feel pretty confident about- even a year later when it was time to reflect and see how I really did. On Friday, I looked back at those style and blogging goals I made just a year ago to see how I'd made out.

This year, here are the resolutions I've committed to tackle in 2012:

Style & Beauty Goals
  1. I will decorate and organize my dressing room in the spare bedroom.
  2. I will grow my hair out long.
  3. I will find and actually try wearing the perfect red lip colour for my complexion.
  4. I will continue to make smart, quality purchases for my wardrobe that will turn out a low cost per wear in the long run.
  5. I will develop a better skin care regime: I want to prevent, not fight, wrinkles in my future!
  6. I will put the focus on my body parts I do love, rather than those I am self-conscious about.

Blog Goals
  1. I will start a "shop my closet" page in attachment to my blog.
  2. I will continue to publish 3-5 posts a week.
  3. I will improve my photography knowledge and skills.
  4. I will learn html (have the book, need to read it!) and use it to improve my blog design.
  5. I will purchase and use a remote and flash softener for my camera as well as a camera bag for my Nikon and lenses.
  6. I will learn how to better use Photoshop Elements.
  7. I will follow and explore more Canadian style blogs.
  8. I will be more proficient at replying to all blog comments and returning the favour to other bloggers.
  9. I will produce at least one e-book in the coming year (topic related to style and blogging).
  10. I will take 95% of my outfit photos outside.
  11. I will go to NYC for the first time and attend the IFB conference in September 2012.

Personal Goals
  1. I will make better food choices: I will cut out processed foods and junk food, decrease sugar consumption, and increase protein intake.
  2. I will become more fit and tone up! I will make a minimum of 3 weekly trips to the gym!
  3. I will try more DIY projects in 2012. (Ready to get your Pinterest on Katie?)
  4. I will make more meals at home and try new recipes.
  5. I will spend more time with my favourite people.
  6. I will make more phone calls and thereby decrease the amount of texts, emails and Facebook messages I send to people.
  7. I will not stare at my computer just because I don't have anything worthwhile to do.
  8. I will spend more time outdoors and less time on my computer.
  9. I will spend less on things I don't need.
  10. I will actively save money toward visiting my friends and family outside of the province/country. I will visit at least one (or more, if possible) of those special people this year.

What are your New Year's Resolutions for 2012?

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